The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) is a measure of eating disorder attitudes and disordered eating behaviors. Prior descriptive studies of the EDE-Q for women either did not assess or omitted reporting sexual orientation. This study’s objective was to assess eating disorder attitudes and disordered eating behaviors as measured by the EDE-Q among cisgender lesbian women. We present mean scores and standard deviations for the EDE-Q among 563 self-identified cisgender lesbian women ages 18-77 who were recruited from The PRIDE Study in 2018. Among cisgender lesbian women, 3.4 % scored in the clinically significant range on the Restraint, 1.6 % on the Eating Concern, 9.1 % on the Weight Concern, 13.9 % on the Shape Concern, and 3.9 % on the Global Score scales of the EDE-Q. We found that 13.5 % of participants reported any occurrence (≥1/28 days) of dietary restriction, 8.7 % for objective binge episodes, 5.3 % for excessive exercise, .4% for self-induced vomiting, and .4% for laxative misuse. Participants reported a current (1.8 %) or lifetime (7.1 %) diagnosis of an eating disorder by a clinician. These EDE-Q descriptive data capture eating disorder attitudes and disordered eating behaviors among cisgender lesbian women and may aid clinicians and researchers in interpreting the EDE-Q in this specific population.Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
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