S.Lale Tokgozogolu, MD, FACC, is none other than the famous professor of Cardiology at the famous Institute of Cardiology at the Hacettepe University. Therefore, the hospital and the universities these days are very particular about expanding the current base of researchers and doctors so that they are able to unravel the medical secrets which will not only make them famous for curing the world but at the same time make them capable of ensuring that the people are provided with the best possible care. They are also very much excited to add more newly educated persons so that the main purpose of running these universities and hospitals in accomplished. This also provides the people with the chance of providing the best possible treatment tp the world at large. They also try to play a vital role in ensuring that these people are able to get the care and knowledge which will be helpful in curing the diseases which were never cared for. These are really famous persons and play a vital role in fulfilling the goals.
Ref art: https://academic.oup.com/eurheartj/advance-article/doi/10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa680/5918114