Female sexual dysfunction and obesity are becoming more prevalent and have a negative effect on the overall health and quality of life. The study aims at understanding the effect of obesity on FSD (female sexual dysfunction).

The researchers used cross-sectional studies on medical data of 6.688 females seeking sexual health-related medical help. The reports were analyzed using the female sexual function index and the sexual distress scale for females.

Being obese or overweight is found to have a higher association with reduced sexual activity. Among sexually active individuals, those who are obese or overweight have lower sexual function index scores and domain scores, indicating bad sexual functioning than those with normal weight. This includes lubrication, pain, orgasm, satisfaction, and arousal. A similar association is also seen in sexual distress. Other factors affecting this association are mood disturbance, age, reproductive stage, education level, and medication usage.

The subjects who are obese or overweight are more likely to have FSD. This increases the need for identifying and addressing FSD in females who are obese or overweight. However, the study did not focus on assessing the moderating factors and causality determinants. The researchers recommend future studies with generalizable subjects.

Ref URL: https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(20)30729-3/fulltext
