The children with autism spectrum disorder are less social as they like behind their peers in development however the gap can be minimized with extensive efforts. Social participation of children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in natural environments can be enhanced by teaching them to communicate spontaneously. This needs to be done at least in situations where they have the motivation to access specific items or activities by controlling the amount of access for these stimuli. The main aim of this study was to determine if mand training, using a stimulus control transfer procedure would promote acquisition and generalization of mands for specific activities or objects evoked by motivating operations. Measurement variables included the frequency of motivation controlled (MO) versus multiply controlled mands during discrete trial training on a variety of verbal operants. This study was done using a concurrent multiple baseline design across participants. The data collected through the visual analysis indicated that MO mands for out-of-view items increased substantially with generalization across targets, staff, and environments for three of the four participants. One participant did not respond to intervention to the same extent as others.

