CED is a state of lack of energy and protein in­take that las­ts for a long time continuously and causes health problems. This study was done to ana­­­lyze the factors underlying the CED events in fe­­male students in boarding schools in Yogya­karta students.

This was an analytic ob­ser­­­vational study with a cross-sectional design conducted at the Yogyakarta Stu­dent Islamic Boar­­ding School. 200 female adolescents aged 19-24 years were selected by simple ran­dom sampling. The DV was CED. The IV were body image per­cep­­­tion, energy intake, protein intake, fad diets, BMI, stress, and nutritional know­ledge. The data were mea­­­­sured by digital weight scale, microtome, mid­­­line, and questionnaire.

CED in female ado­lescent was directly increased with negative body image perception, fad diet, and severe stress. CED was directly decreased with high energy intake, high pro­tein intake, high nutritional knowledge, and high BMI. CED was indirectly associated with fad diets and stress through BMI.

CED events in female ado­lescent are directly increased with negative body image perception, fad diet, and stress. CED is directly decreased with high energy intake, high pro­tein intake, high nutritional knowledge, and high BMI. CED is indirectly associated with fad diets and stress through BMI.

Reference: https://thejmch.com/index.php?journal=thejmch&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=390
