Stunting can lead to deficits in the children’s life quality, hindering the children’s growth. Consequences of stunting involve problems in brain development and physical growth, while the long-term effects include cognitive and learning skill deficits. This study was done with the aim to explore the relationship between parenting styles and stunting.

This was a quantitative study that mainly relied on the analytical observation method for data collection with the cross-sectional design, with the IV, such as a mother’s education level, family income, parenting styles, newborn height, newborn weight, birth spacing, and breastfeeding records. The dependent variable is stunting prevalence. Out of 95 total initial population, only 76 children who met the inclusion criteria. This study relied on univariate, bivariate, and multivariate tests for the purpose of data analysis. Further, the chi-square analysis and logistic regression enter method were also employed.

The result shows that the mother’s education level, family income, parenting styles, birth height, and birth weight contribute to the stunting prevalence of the children.

The study concluded through its findings that the parenting styles are the dominant variable that correlates with the stunting of the children.

