Improved awareness leads to better understanding and communication across stakeholder groups and facilitates best-practice sharing. Based on the outputs of the literature search and survey, challenges identified were grouped according to the following categories: socioeconomic and workplace issues, education and awareness needs, healthcare availability and access, and ethnicity and cultural issues. A number of existing initiatives already work to raise awareness of mBC, including international organizations, such as ABC Global Alliance, Union for International Cancer Control, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance and several others, as well as national schemes. A series of multidisciplinary-group workshops were conducted to identify the key challenges faced by UPPs and develop tangible solutions. Underserved patient populations (UPP) with mBC may be defined as less likely to receive quality healthcare owing to the patient- or system-related factors. The wide variation in these factors leads to disparities in cancer care between and within countries, including high-income countries, and not all patients benefit equally from the healthcare services available. 

The results that were obtained after this study cleared that 45 were deemed not relevant for various reasons (not specific to BC, duplicates, non patient-centric, theoretical modeling tools, conceptual frameworks). Skilled PCPs could provide support throughout therapy, particularly in areas or centers that may not have extensive multidisciplinary support teams to manage specific comorbidities. 

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