Researchers conducted this study to assess the first year’s use with the GyneFix intrauterine device. This has been used in Liverpool since early 1997. It is offered mainly to nulliparous women wishing to use an effective non-hormonal method and parous women who have had pain with, or expulsion of, a framed device previously. It is also used as emergency contraception.

The study design was a retrospective study utilizing a case note review and client questionnaire.

The participants were all GyneFix users from February 1997 to January 1998; 215 women in total.

Over half of the users (57%) were nulliparous, and a quarter of insertions were for emergency contraceptive use. A third reported that insertion was ‘very painful’. Half reported that their periods had become heavier since insertion, but only 8% said they were now unmanageable. Unacceptable bleeding was the most common reason for removal. Some reported intermenstrual bleeding and dysmenorrhoea. Satisfaction with the GyneFix was high; 86% of questionnaire responders said they would recommend it to a friend.

The study concluded that gone fix is well accepted in Liverpool in appropriately selected clients and is an effective non-hormonal method for nulliparous and parous women.

