The aim of the study was to determine biologic variations of the main parameters in cows in early lactation and to compare intra-individual variations of parameters in cows and other species. 50 cows were included in the experiment. Blood samples were taken at the moment of calving, then on 1st, 7th, 14th and 28th day after calving. CVi had the following values: 1.9-5% for MCV, MCH, MCHC, GLU, TProt, ALB, UREA, Ca, P and Mg; 5.1-10% for RBC, Hgb, Hct, WBC, NEU, LYM, BHB, ALT, CHOL, TGC and >10% for PLT, NEFA, TBil, AST and GGT. For RBC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, MCH subject-based reference values or the reference change value should be used. For all other parameters except AST, population-based reference intervals should be used with caution. For LYM, NEU, PLT, GLU, TProt, ALB, CHOL and TGC index of individuality was close to 0.6 which means that subject-based reference values can be much more adequate to use then population-based reference intervals. For AST population-based intervals should be used. There is little effect of parity (increase CVi with parity) and no effect of milk production. CVi values obtained in cows in early lactation are specific because they deviate from the CVi values of other animal species and human. Calculated RCVs varied from 5.5% for MCHC to 41% for AST. High individuality index for many metabolic parameters opens possibility for development of model for longitudinal monitoring of metabolic status of individual animals during lactation. That requires further research.Copyright© by the Polish Academy of Sciences.
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