To review and comprehend the influence of the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD) outcome measures for allergic and hypersensitivity disorders, as well as their impact in the management of anaphylaxis, and to propose viable ways to improve patient treatment and prevention was the purpose of this study. The pioneer chapter addressed to allergic and hypersensitivity conditions in the 11th edition of the WHO’s ICD is the result of evidence-based academic technical actions consistently following allergy community collaborations and integrated international initiatives in order to achieve quality outcomes measures of allergies worldwide.

Allergic and hypersensitivity diseases are becoming more common around the world, yet they have never been effectively represented in international classification systems such as the ICD. The pioneer chapter Allergy and hypersensitivity conditions was built as a consequence of evidence-based academic technical initiatives recognised by the Joint Allergy Academies and the WHO. More trustworthy, accurate, and comparable epidemiological data will be able to provide a comprehensive picture of these illnesses, supporting changes at many levels of the health system. Because population knowledge is critical for more realistic decision-making, the creation of a new section in the ICD-11 dedicated to allergic and hypersensitivity conditions will allow for the collection of more accurate epidemiological data to support quality patient management and better facilitate healthcare planning to implement public health measures to prevent and reduce redundancy.

