Asthmatic children require treatment that is flawlessly integrated in order for asthma symptoms to be detected and controlled at home and at school. The goal of this study is to go through some of the most recent consensus guidelines in school-based asthma care. The School-based Asthma Management Program (SAMPRO) is a widely endorsed framework for coordinating care with schools that consists of four components: establishing a circle of support around the asthmatic child; facilitating bidirectional communication between clinicians and schools; comprehensive asthma education for schools; and assessment and remediation of environmental asthma triggers at schools. SAMPRO standardizes principles for school-based asthma care coordination and provides a toolbox of websites and resources for school-based asthma care.
The review will cover the need for coordinated school asthma partnerships, the origins and growth of SAMPRO, and its aim to enhance pediatric asthma care coordination within the circle of support, which includes physicians, school nurses, families, and communities.