Local allergic rhinitis (LAR) is a newly recognized subtype of rhinitis characterized by a nasal allergic reaction in people who do not have systemic signs of atopy. LAR’s prevalence, clinical course, culprit allergens, diagnostic techniques, and treatment results have all been documented in recent research. The goal of this review is to describe the most recent and important scientific data regarding LAR, with a particular emphasis on its prevalence and clinical features. LAR is discovered in a substantial number of previously diagnosed nonallergic rhinitis patients, however the incidence varies by ethnic group and country. Prevalent allergens of LAR are similar to those of allergic rhinitis, with home dust mites being the most common cause, followed by grass pollen, tree pollen, weed pollen, and animal dander, as verified by provocation testing. Although the nasal provocation test to a single allergen is the gold standard approach, the identification of allergen-specific IgE and other inflammatory mediators from nasal secretions, as well as the basophil activation test, can help in the diagnosis of LAR. Conjunctivitis and asthma are the most frequent comorbid conditions, with asthma becoming more common with time. The rate of conversion to allergic rhinitis, on the other hand, did not differ substantially between LAR and healthy controls.

LAR is a well-defined rhinitis entity that should be evaluated in individuals who have chronic and severe symptoms without systemic atopy. More study is needed to look at the long-term outcomes of LAR, as well as the regional and racial disparities.

Reference: https://journals.lww.com/co-allergy/Abstract/2018/02000/Prevalence_and_clinical_characteristics_of_local.3.aspx
