Relvar® (Fluticasone furoate (FF)/Vilanterol (VI)) is a once-daily inhaler with bronchodilator effect lasting 24 hours. Our aim was to investigate the short- and long-term effects of FF/VI on exercise-induced asthma (EIA) in adolescents.
Ninety-three adolescent asthmatics aged 12-18 years were referred for evaluation of EIA. Following a positive exercise challenge test (ECT), 22/44 were allocated to a single administration of salbutamol (400 μg) and 22/44 to FF/VI (92/22 μg) in a double-blind method. Thirty-five subjects were reassessed by repeat ECT 30-60 days of FF/VI.
Median FEV1 change post-ECT at baseline was -22.8% predicted (IQR -26.1 and -18.0) for salbutamol and -21.0 (IQR -30.7 and -16.8) for FF/VI. Following bronchodilator, FEV1 improved similarly in both groups. Repeat ECT following 30-60 days of FF/VI resulted in negative exercise challenge test in 33/35 subjects; the median decrease in FEV1 of these 35 subjects was 22.6% predicted (IQR 29-18) before, and 4.6% predicted (IQR 8.7-2.5) after 30-60 days of FF/VI treatment; p<0.0001).
FF/VI is effective in reversing EIA after 15 minutes in adolescents and in protecting EIA after 30-60 days in adolescents. Larger studies are needed to assess the effect of FF/VI on EIA.

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