To investigate the present prevalence of respiratory and skin illness in employees who do metal machining using metal working fluids (MWFs), a typical manufacturing work procedure. An overview of the 27 known occurrences of respiratory illness among MWF-exposed employees has been provided. New research has discovered irritative effects in employees who have had low-level exposures. Review papers were published that discussed the composition, measurement, and control of microbial agents in MWFs. 

Work-related asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis appear to have decreased in the previous ten years. This is thought to be secondary to reduced air levels caused by the use of modern machining equipment, which is enclosed and has local ventilation, as well as improved microbiological contamination management. However, physicians should be aware that irritative symptoms of the upper respiratory tract are still being recorded at these lower exposure levels, and the development of asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis remains a potential. Given the extensive usage of MWFs in manufacturing facilities, physicians must evaluate the potential that MWFs are causing or exacerbating their patients’ respiratory and dermatologic problems.


