The latest study aimed to provide insight into recent initiatives to estimate individual pollen exposure and to provide guidance for interpreting such data. It was widely acknowledged that measuring the atmospheric concentration of pollen in the air presents a number of issues. Although pollen data collected by Hirst-type spore traps and evaluated by human expertise were invaluable due to long-term data series and as the foundation for pollen information services as well as diagnosis and therapy of pollen allergies, there was a need for more precise information for individual pollen allergy sufferers. Estimates were provided for several types of individual pollen exposure measuring samplers.

Further advancements, particularly the standardization of personal pollen samplers, where required. Improvements resulted in increased usability. A pollen count would always be a pollen count due to a number of circumstances, and a pollen prediction was not a symptom forecast, which pollen allergy patients genuinely want. As a result, a new potential approach to tailored pollen information was chosen: personal pollen information based on personal symptom data and regional pollen data was feasible. In the future, individualized pollen data may be able to execute this feat.
