Most patients filling buprenorphine prescriptions written by ED physicians for opioid use disorder do not subsequently fill buprenorphine prescriptions from other clinicians, according to a study published in Annals of Emergency Medicine. Bradley D. Stein, MD, PhD, and colleagues used pharmacy claims to identify buprenorphine prescriptions that were written by ED physicians and assessed subsequently filled prescriptions from clinicians other than ED physicians. The researchers identified 22,846 prescriptions written by ED physicians and filled by buprenorphine-naïve patients. Less than one-third of patients (28.5%) subsequently filled buprenorphine prescriptions written by other clinicians, including primary care physicians and advanced practice providers. After the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration, rates of subsequent prescriptions were 3.5% lower. “… There is substantial room for improvement to create a system of care that seamlessly transitions patients from the emergency setting to community treatment providers who can continue treatment,” Dr. Stein said in a statement.