ChatGPT provides easy-to-understand information about basic knowledge, lifestyle, and treatments for liver
cancer, according to a study published in Clinical and Molecular Hepatology. Alexander Kuo, MD, and colleagues
examined the accuracy and reproducibility of ChatGPT in answering questions regarding knowledge, management,
and emotional support for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and other liver conditions. The analysis included
ChatGPT responses to 164 questions that were independently graded. ChatGPT regurgitated extensive knowledge
of HCC (74% correct), although a smaller proportion of responses (41.1%) were considered comprehensive.
Responses pertaining to basic knowledge, lifestyle, and treatment showed better performance than the domains
of diagnosis and preventive medicine. ChatGPT answered 76.9% of quality measure questions correctly but failed
to specify decision-making cutoffs and treatment durations. Additionally, ChatGPT lacked knowledge of regional
guideline variations, such as HCC screening criteria. “Patients and their caregivers often have unmet needs and
insufficient knowledge about managing and preventing complications of their disease,” a coauthor said in a
statement. “We found ChatGPT, while it has limitations, can help empower patients and improve health literacy
for different populations.”
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