Sarcopenia occurs often in patients with HCC, according to a large meta-analysis published in
Oncology Letters. Researchers examined the prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with HCC in a
literature review spanning March 2001 to June 2022, describing “remarkable heterogeneity” among the
papers (P<0.001). Among 8,959 patients with HCC in 48 studies, 42% had sarcopenia. The
morbidity associated with sarcopenia in studies with more men (45%) was greater com- pared with
morbidity seen in studies with a lower percentage of men (37%). Additionally, the incidence rate
in younger patients (46%) was higher than that in older patients (39%). The finding that many
patients with HCC experience sarcopenia indicates “the necessity of developing screening and
intervention measures to improve the outcome in these patients,” the researchers wrote, further
describing sarcopenia as “an urgent problem” for patients with HCC. They also noted that future
research should examine potential treatment options for sarcopenia in those with HCC.