Reduced initial visual acuity, exudative retinal detachment (ERD), Coats-like vasculopathy (CLV) changes in two or more retinal quadrants, and CRB1 retinopathy may increase the likelihood of poorer outcomes in CLV related to inherited retinal disease, according to results published in Ophthalmology. Michel Michaelides, MD, and colleagues examined visual function, retinal imaging, and treatment response for 67 patients with IRD-related CLV. The prevalence of IRD-related CLV was 0.5%. More than half of patients (55%) had isolated retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and 21% had early-onset severe retinal dystrophy. Unilateral CLV was seen in 31% of patients, and the most common retinal features were telangiectasia, exudates, and exudative retinal detachment (ERD) affecting the inferior and temporal retina. Macular edema/schisis was present in 26% of eyes, whereas ERD was seen in 63%. Final bestcorrected visual acuity was significantly worse than baseline.