Adults with cancer may not be using available clinician advice before self-referring to the ED, according to a study published in the American Journal of Managed Care. Arthur S. Hong, MD, MPH, and colleagues used tumor registry records (university patients diagnosed between 2008-2018 and safety-net patients diagnosed between 2012-2018) and linked EHRs with a regional health information exchange to analyze how well cancer patients self-triage based on diagnosis code-based severity of ED visits. The analysis included 39,498 adults with 38,944 ED visits to 67 hospitals. Patients self-referred for 85.5% of visits and bypassed a median of 13 closer EDs. Visits made at EDs closer to home were not significantly more clinically severe. Furthermore, visits were significantly less severe if the patient self-referred (adjusted OR [aOR], 0.89) or they were on weekends (aOR, 0.93). Findings were similar when the study team reanalyzed data within each health system.
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