Photo Credit: Wongmbatuloyo
The following is a summary of “Evolution of endometriosis research: A comprehensive analysis of research designs and topics over the last 15 years,” published in the September 2024 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology by Wettstein et al.
Researchers conducted a retrospective study to analyze the progression of endometriosis evolution from 2007 to 2022.
They reviewed the PubMed database for publications titled “endometriosis,” published in January and July of 2007 2012, 2017, and 2022. Each publication was categorized by research design and topic, resulting in 7 groups with 23 categories.
The results showed that the total number of publications per year rose from 393 (2007) to 1,042 (2022). In terms of categories, the relative proportion of Observational Studies increased from 32% to 45%. A comparable trend was observed in the Laboratory Study/Experiment category, which grew from 4% to 10%. Conversely, the share of Interventional Studies decreased from 7% to 5%. The proportion of Case Reports reduced from 25% to 13%. The absolute count of publications across all categories increased between 2007 and 2022. Regarding topics, the Diagnostics category increased from 10% to 15%, the Pathophysiology category experienced a decline from 63% to 51%. In the Treatment category, there was a decrease from 33% to 26% and the other category increased from 11% to 16%.
They concluded a need for increased basic and clinical research in the Diagnostics, Pathophysiology, and Treatment categories to enhance understanding of endometriosis and improve patient care.