An increasing number of veterans receiving health services through the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) are prescribed PrEP, similar to trends among persons with commercial or public health insurance, according to results in JAIDS. Ya-Lin A. Huang, PhD, and colleagues analyzed 2014–2022 VHA data to identify the annual number and prevalence of persons aged at least 18 years prescribed PrEP, stratified by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and region. The number of veterans prescribed PrEP increased from 361 in 2014 to 6050 in 2022, with an estimated annual percent change of 29.6% (95% CI: 22.6 to 37.1). Of 6050 veterans with PrEP prescriptions in 2022, 95.2% were men, 4.8% were women, 50.4% were White, 24.5% were Black or African American, and 14.0% were Hispanic or Latino. The prevalence of Black and Hispanic or Latino individuals prescribed PrEP increased significantly from 2014 to 2022. “VHA data fills a gap in monitoring PrEP use in the US,” the authors concluded.