AIT is the only disease-modifying treatment approved for allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. This is because it represents a suitable therapeutic option, especially in childhood, to modify the progression of respiratory allergic diseases. AIT is now considered a product-specific pathogenic-oriented treatment.

AIT was empirically proposed more than one century ago in the SCIT. However, the IgE-mediated mechanism of allergy was elucidated many years after the clinical use of the treatment. The SLIT was developed during the 1980 ties. It was developed to achieve an improvement in safety and convenience. While SCIT is approved in the US for the treatment of asthmatic patients with more than 12 years. There are very few trials that evaluated the clinical efficacy and safety of SLIT in children with allergic asthma, although the indications and some aspects remain unclear. This is mainly due to compliance problems, the age below 3 years may be reasonably considered a practical contraindication.

The study concluded through its findings that given that some specific AIT products are effective and approved as drugs. However, in spite of being approved their use in children is still debated. Some aspects still need robust confirmation of the safety of AIT in asthma, the optimal regimen of administration, and the role of AIT as a preventative treatment for asthma development.

