In 2006, the US FDA approved a new rotavirus vaccine (RotaTeq), recommended for routine immunization of all US babies. Because a previously licensed vaccine (Rotashield) was withdrawn from the United States due to safety concerns, understanding barriers to RotaTeq uptake will aid in the development of vaccine coverage plans. Through a qualitative study employing focus groups and in-depth interviews, Researchers investigated the beliefs and attitudes of parents (n=57) and providers (n=10) concerning rotavirus sickness and immunizations. The doctors were aware of rotavirus vaccination safety issues, but RotaTeq’s safety profile reassured them. On a scale of one to seven, the average score was 5 (range=3–6) when questioned about the possibility of utilizing RotaTeq. (1=”absolutely not;” 7=”absolutely certainly”). Physicians said they were very likely to use RotaTeq if their professional organizations recommended it, and they were particularly interested in post-marketing safety data. Similarly, consumers liked the RotaTeq safety profile and said they would follow their doctor’s advice for vaccination. When asked to rank the chances of their child receiving a rotavirus vaccination (1=”absolutely not receive;” 7=” certainly get”), 29% ranked 1 or 2, 36% 3 or 4, and 35% 5 to 7. The qualitative analysis adds to the findings of prior quantitative studies, indicating that physicians and parents are likely to use the newly approved rotavirus vaccine. A successful vaccination campaign will raise parental awareness of the rotavirus disease burden and provide physicians with timely post-marketing surveillance data.