Effective and efficient surveillance systems are key for preventing arthropod-borne diseases. We examined the capacity of Florida mosquito control districts (both state-approved and open programs, n = 90; 48.9% response rate). Questions centered on budgets, staffing levels, equipment, vector control measures, and staff perceptions of own agency’s capacity to implement routine surveillance and vector control activities. Bivariate analyses indicate that districts with relatively large budgets have advanced capacities regarding staffing levels, employee specialties, mosquito control equipment, conduct routine surveillance and vector control yet they serve only a small proportion of the population. Independent tax districts’ average annual budgets were 9 times higher than Board of County Commissioners programs in fiscal year 2017-18. Most respondents indicated that staff is appropriately trained, and has timely access to information and needed equipment for mosquito surveillance and control. Slightly more than half of respondents feel they are understaffed. Perceived understaffing may compromise mosquito surveillance and control efforts in some districts.
Copyright © 2020 by The American Mosquito Control Association, Inc.
