Researchers established a referral system for intrauterine contraception between the medical abortion service at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the principal FPC in Edinburgh.

The present study was a case note review of women fast-tracked for intrauterine contraception after medical abortion. The primary outcome measures were numbers of women referred, attendance rates, the interval to insertion, devices chosen, and known complication rates.

Two hundred thirty-seven women were referred, 126 attended for intrauterine contraception insertion. Attenders were slightly but significantly older than non-attenders, less likely to live in an area of deprivation. They were substantially more likely to have attended the FPC in the past. Most attendees proceeded to have an intrauterine method inserted; 57% chose the levonorgestrel intrauterine system, and 43% chose a copper intrauterine device. The median interval to insertion was 21 days. Of those women who attended for routine follow-up six weeks later, there were four expulsion cases, two requests for removal, and four cases of suspected infection.

The study concluded that only half the women fast-tracked for intrauterine contraception attended, and these tended to be women who were pre-existing clients of the FPC.

