
Author: Reuters

More plant protein tied to longer life

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – People who eat more plant-based protein may live longer than those who get more protein from meat, a Japanese study suggests. Researchers followed almost 71,000 middle-aged Japanese...

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Cancer doctors don’t focus on lifestyle risks

By Linda Carroll (Reuters Health) – Cancer specialists only rarely advise patients on lifestyle changes that could improve overall health and possibly also reduce the risk of recurrence, a new survey suggests. The survey...

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Customers can make fast-food combo meals healthier

By Ankur Banerjee (Reuters Health) – Combination meals in U.S. fast food and fast casual restaurants have lots of calories, saturated fat, sugar and sodium, but customers can make the meals healthier by substituting drinks...

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Dementia caregiving takes toll on sleep

By Linda Carroll (Reuters Health) – Family caregivers for dementia patients don’t sleep as long or as well as other adults of the same age, a new study suggests. In an analysis of the combined data from 35 earlier...

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