
Author: Reuters

Four in 10 women with asthma may develop COPD

By Shereen Lehman (Reuters Health) – Over 40 percent of women with asthma go on to develop more severe lung disease, a Canadian study suggests. Most of the risk factors for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,...

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E-cigarette vapor tied to changes in lung cells

(This version of the story corrects spelling of Weiner in paragraphs 10, 12 and 13) By Linda Carroll (Reuters Health) – The vapor from e-cigarettes may boost the production of inflammatory chemicals in the lungs, while...

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Breastfeeding linked to lower stroke risk

By Linda Carroll (Reuters Health) – Breastfeeding may protect a woman from stroke later in life, and the benefit appears to increase with the length of time she nurses, a U.S. study suggests. Postmenopausal women who said...

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