
Author: Reuters

Disrupted sleep cycles linked with mood disorders

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – People who have disrupted sleep cycles or less variation in their activity levels around the clock may be more likely to have depression, bipolar disorders and other mental health...

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Bees get death-by-pesticide funeral in Paris

PARIS (Reuters) – Bee keepers and environmental activists staged a mock funeral in Paris on Thursday for bees, to protest against the pesticides they say are killing insects crucial for the eco-system. Some protesters,...

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More U.S. kids dying from injuries

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Murder, suicide, car crashes, and addiction have all contributed to a spike in deaths among U.S. children and teens in recent years, a government study suggests. The death rate for youth...

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Abortion not tied to increased risk of depression

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Women who have an abortion may be no more likely to develop depression than women who don’t, a Danish study suggests. Researchers examined data on 396,397 women born in Denmark...

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Prostate cancer survival odds worse for smokers

By Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) – Prostate cancer patients who smoke are more likely to have tumors return, spread to other parts of the body, and become fatal than nonsmokers, a new study suggests. Researchers examined...

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