For a study, researchers sought to understand that managing persistent erythema and rosacea flushing can be difficult, especially in scared people. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of carvedilol in treating rosacea patients’ persistent erythema and flushing. For a 10-week period with a 6-week follow-up, 156 subjects were randomly assigned to receive either topical brimonidine (n=51) or oral carvedilol (5 mg bid, twice daily). The patient self-assessment (PSA), clinician erythema assessment (CEA), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD-7), and patient health questionnaire-9 were used to assess the effectiveness of carvedilol as well as the level of anxiety/depression (PHQ-9). In contrast to topical brimonidine, carvedilol dramatically reduced the CEA/PSA scores and the ratings for sting/burning feeling. Additionally, carvedilol medication effectively decreased telangiectasia, erythema, and pigmentation without causing any obvious side effects. Individuals taking carvedilol medicine improved their depression/anxiety, as evidenced by lower GAD-7 and PHQ-9 ratings than patients receiving topical brimonidine. Notably, investigators found that carvedilol medication performed best in rosacea patients under the age of 30. In conclusion, their study demonstrated that carvedilol could effectively and quickly lessen facial erythema, which may be brought on by decreased anxiety or hopelessness.