Apr 03, 2020
The classical anatomical representation of the lingual relief of the mental region of the mandible reflects the presence of geniohyoid as well as genioglossus attachment areas, which are divided into ...
Mar 24, 2020
Children with Down syndrome (DS) often present with chronic respiratory symptoms. Congenital airway anomalies have been described but data about prevalence is scarce and a comparison to controls is la...
Mar 13, 2020
The current study aims to evaluate the correlation between peripheral blood miR-148a-3p level in patients with liver injury after hepatectomy under general anesthesia with propofol, thereby evaluating...
Mar 13, 2020
It remains unclear whether intraoperative use of volatile anesthetics has a positive effect on postoperative clinical outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Therefore,...
Mar 05, 2020
This study aimed to investigate acute and chronic effects of varenicline on lung tissue in an experimental study.A total of 34 rats were randomly allocated into study (varenicline) and control groups....
Mar 05, 2020
Since many years, office-based flexible transnasal laryngoscopy is a common routine procedure. The development of new technical equipment such as high-definition cameras and flexible tip-chip endoscop...
Mar 02, 2020
Anesthetic induction and other procedures performed by anesthetists are potentially stressful for children. Pediatric anesthetists use communication to rapidly establish rapport and engagement with ch...
Mar 02, 2020
Aim Determine changes in the expressions of the ion channel-TRPV1-and neuropeptides-NKA, NKB, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and SP-in 14-, 21-, and 42-day-old rats after inhaling 1.5% and 2....
Feb 28, 2020
INTRODUCTİON: Currently, the management of cholelithiasis in combination with choledocholithiasis involves endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) followed by cholecystectomy. However, ...
Feb 25, 2020
Immersive virtual reality (IVR) is a form of distraction therapy that has shown potential as an analgesia and sedation sparing agent. This study assessed the effect of IVR on the self-administered sed...
Feb 25, 2020
Multiple surgical procedures and anesthesia increase the risk of the development in children. However, the influence of such exposures on the developing childhood immunity organs is rarely reported.Hi...
Feb 25, 2020
To investigate the effective analgesia for video-assisted thoracic surgery.In this prospective non-inferiority study, we evaluated the postoperative analgesic effect of preoperative ultrasound-guided ...
Feb 18, 2020
There is evidence to suggest that hypertension involves a chronic low-grade systemic inflammatory response; however, the underlying mechanisms are unclear. To further understand the role of inflammati...
Jan 24, 2020
Microelectrode recording (MER) for target refinement is widely used in deep brain stimulator insertion for Parkinson disease. Signals may be influenced by anesthetics when patients receive general ane...
Jan 10, 2020
Current estimates suggest that 70-90% of opioids prescribed after surgery go unused, with most patients not disposing these medications that can become a common source of misuse and abuse, explains Ch...