

One Step Closer to Third-World Medicine?

In a post 2 weeks ago, I discussed why elderly patients don’t get out of bed and walk when hospitalized. You can read it here. I wrote that a major reason that staff does not have time to walk patients is that they are too...

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Analyzing Mortality in Critical Access Hospitals

The 30-day mortality rates among patients with acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, or pneumonia appear to be comparable at critical access hospitals (CAHs) and non-CAHs. Results of a retrospective study showed...

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IAS 2013

New research is being presented at IAS 2013, the International AIDS Society Conference on HIV...

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Even More Problems With Patient Satisfaction Surveys

A paper in April’s JAMA Surgery journal noted that patient satisfaction ratings have very little to do with the quality of care provided by a hospital. The study analyzed data from 31 hospitals that participated in patient...

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