

ACEP 2012

New research was presented at ACEP 2012, the annual scientific assembly of the American College of Emergency Physicians, from October 8-11 in Denver. Featured Highlights •    Holding Orders & Performance-Based Compensation...

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ICAAC 2012

New research was presented at ICAAC 2012, the 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents...

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A Report on Physician Adoption of EHRs

A report from the National Center for Health Statistics indicates that 55% of physicians had adopted an electronic health record (EHR) system in 2011. The report, available at, reviews the types of systems that...

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Financial Reinforcement & Medication Adherence

University of Connecticut investigators have found that financial reinforce­ment interventions appear to significantly improve medication adherence. Interven­tions that were longer in duration, offered an average of $50 or more...

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Obama vs Romney on Healthcare in First Debate

  President Obama and Mitt Romney made some swift punches on healthcare in the first presidential debate Wednesday night. Healthcare was officially allotted 15 minutes in the 90-minute debate, so let’s check out their...

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