"Your new pacemaker comes with Pandora so you can always have a song in your...
"Consider this a second opinion, since you didn't listen to anything I said the first...
"I'm sorry, the computer made an error. You're not influential, you have...
"Many women fear the word 'menopause', so I prefer to call it Puberty, Part...
"Follow every word of advice from every medical expert on TV, radio, books, magazines and the Internet. That should fix whatever you...
"Right now I take a blue pill, a purple pill, an orange pill, a white pill, and a yellow pill. I need you to prescribe a green pill to complete my...
“You can enjoy diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension or you can suffer from good...
"You remind me of my kids. They don't listen to anything I say either."
"Eating right and exercising is hard. Can't you prescribe an app for that?"
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