
Critical Care General

#PWChat - Why Doctors Are Losing the Public's Trust

Nov 17, 2017

Join us Wednesday, December 13 at 3:00pm ET for PART II of our live, interactive tweetchat with Linda Girgis, MD, based on her blog post on why doctors are losing the public's trust. Joining us as a c...

Deadly Lung Cancers Are Driven By Multiple Genetic Changes

Nov 07, 2017

A new UC San Francisco-led study challenges the dogma in oncology that most cancers are caused by one dominant "driver" mutation that can be treated in isolation with a single targeted drug. Instead, ...

Hospitals, Third Parties, and Physicians: Opposing Roles in Containing Healthcare Costs

Oct 25, 2017

Patients do not have carte blanche when it comes to decisions about their medical care. The type of insurance they have dictates which hospitals they must use, which specialists they’re allowed to s...

Introducing a New Blog on 3D Printing in Medicine

Oct 04, 2017

I’m a surgical resident in training and PhD-candidate in the Elisabeth-Tweesteden hospital, Tilburg, the Netherlands. The Elisabeth-Tweesteden Hospital, a level 1 trauma center with a large neurosur...

#PWChat - Pseudoscience in Medicine PART 2: Steering Patients Toward Reliable References

Sep 28, 2017

Join us Wednesday, October 25 at 3:00pm ET for a live, interactive tweetchat with Linda Girgis, MD, on how to steer patients toward reliable resources when it comes to pseudoscience-related topics. To...

#PWChat Recap – Pseudoscience in Medicine: Steering Patients Toward Reliable References

Sep 27, 2017

Dr. Linda Girgis, MD, FAAFP joined Physician's Weekly to co-host another installment in our #PWChat series, on Tuesday, Sept. 26, on how to steer patients toward reliable resources when it comes to p...

#PWChat - Exercise as Medicine: Helping Patients Cut Through all the Noise

Sep 26, 2017

Join us Wednesday, October 4 at 3:00pm ET for a live, interactive tweetchat with Greg Wells, PhD, on how to help patients make sense of all the exercise-related information found online and elsewhere....

#PWChat - Pseudoscience in Medicine: Steering Patients Toward Reliable References

Sep 12, 2017

Join us Tuesday, September 26 at 3:00pm ET for a live, interactive tweetchat with Linda Girgis, MD, on how to steer patients toward reliable resources when it comes to pseudoscience-related topics. To...

#PWChat: Incorporating Physician Assistants & Nurse Practitioners into Practice

Aug 29, 2017

Join us Wednesday, September 13 at 9:00pm ET / 6:00pm PT for a live, interactive tweetchat with Shereese Maynard, on incorporating nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) into practic...

#PWChat - The Ins & Outs of Shared Decision Making

Aug 29, 2017

Join us Wednesday, September 6 at 9:00pm ET / 6:00pm PT for a live, interactive tweetchat with Marc Probst, MD, and Hemal Kanzaria, MD, on shared decision making in the ED. Topics to be discussed are ...

Age, Race, & Gender Differences in Pneumococcal Disease

Aug 11, 2017

Several studies have assessed gender differences in susceptibility to a variety of infectious diseases, including malaria, HIV, parasitic disease, and influenza. While some early studies suggest that ...

Smoking Cessation & Life Expectancy in HIV

Aug 10, 2017

Current estimates show that more than 40% of people with HIV in the United States smoke cigarettes, more than double the smoking rate of the general population, and an additional 20% are former smoker...

Is Outpatient Care Quality Improving Over Time?

Aug 03, 2017

More than a decade ago, landmark studies found that adults in the United States only received slightly more than half of the recommended healthcare services they should receive. “Since that time, ef...

Reducing Obstructive Sleep Apnea Emergencies

Jul 24, 2017

"Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is increasingly being recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular complications, including cardiac arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, stroke and even sudden death...

The Overuse of NSAIDs

Jul 18, 2017

NSAIDs are some of the most common over-the-counter (OTC) medications available and include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. In general, these medicines are safe and carry little danger to users from...

The Paradigm Shifts Needed in Healthcare

Jul 13, 2017

There’s a lot wrong with healthcare today. Especially the medications they have now a days and all the side effects. Just like the prescription xarelto, check out the xarelto lawsuit June 2017. The ...

New Opioid Use in Older Adults with COPD Associated with Increased Risk of Cardiac Death

Jul 12, 2017

Older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder who recently started using opioids have an increased risk of coronary artery disease-related death compared to non-opioid users, researchers at...

The Specialists’ Stranglehold on Medicine

Jun 09, 2017

Republicans are trying to cut health care spending. But hacking away at Medicaid, weakening coverage requirements and replacing Obamacare’s subsidies with a convoluted tax credit will not deal with...

TweetChat: Defensive Medicine, Associated Costs & How to Avoid Both

Jun 07, 2017

Join us Wednesday, July 12 at 9:00pm ET / 6:00pm PT for a live, interactive tweetchat with Jeff Segal, MD, on defensive medicine, associated costs, and how to avoid both, inspired by his op-ed piece T...

Traditional Tort Reform Won’t Reduce Healthcare Costs

Jun 01, 2017

Tucked into President Trump’s 2018 budget are several provisions to tackle medical malpractice reform, an effort to slash healthcare costs by seeking to impact the everyday practice of defensive med...

