
Critical Care General

More & More Nurses

Oct 13, 2014

Growth in the nursing workforce between 2000 and 2008 to 2010 outpaced the growth of the United States population. ...

IDWeek 2014: Reducing Rates of Antibiotic-Resistant Pneumonia

Oct 10, 2014

The Particulars: The United States government’s Healthy People 2020 initiative set a goal of reducing antimicrobial-resistant invasive pneumococcal disease from 9.3 to 6.0 cases per 100,000 children...

Who Broke The American Healthcare System?

Oct 01, 2014

Healthcare is a hot topic in the media these days. Yet, few people are satisfied with the way it is working. Many claim that the American healthcare system is broken. Patients are increasingly frustra...

What's the Point of Medical Licensing?

Sep 22, 2014

A surgeon emailed me the following:. OK, I know this is radical but consider my argument... Medical licensing protects no one and costs physicians hundreds to thousands of dollars each year. If...

Patient Preferences on Boarding

Sep 19, 2014

Crowding in the ED has been well-established as a problem that poses a threat to public health. Studies show that ED and hospital crowding leads to ambulance diversions, medical errors, delayed care, ...

Medicine 2064

Sep 17, 2014

Medicine 2064 With Dr. Daniel Kraft Curing half of the world's known cancers, granting movement to the paralyzed, preventing Alzheimer's. Visionary medical expert Dr. Daniel Kraft believes all ...

Drug Wars in the Exam Room

Sep 16, 2014

As physicians, we have all been faced with patients inappropriately looking for prescriptions for controlled substances. Some are looking to abuse them and some to divert them for profit. It is often ...

Clinical Questions at the Point of Care

Aug 13, 2014

Since the 1980s, studies have shown that clinicians frequently raise questions during patient encounters in all healthcare settings. These studies have suggested that although questions arise frequent...

Getting Third Parties Out Of The Exam Room

Aug 12, 2014

Any physician, especially primary care physicians, can tell you that they are frequently forced to make a decision based on a third party’s opinion. Most often, this will be an insurance company den...

Med School Debt & Resident Salary

Aug 08, 2014

Medscape’s Residents Salary & Debt Report 2014 was just released this week, surveying over 1,200 medical residents across more than 25 specialty residency programs. The survey focused on medical...

Recognizing & Treating Caregiver Burden

Aug 08, 2014

Research has shown that unpaid family or informal caregivers provide as much as 90% of the in-home long-term care that is needed by adults. A 2009 study estimated that 65.7 million people in the Unite...

Refusal of Curative Care in the ED

Jul 25, 2014

Resuscitating and stabilizing acutely ill or injured patients is a top priority for ED personnel, but traditional aggressive approaches to care may sometimes not suit the needs of those with advanced ...

People Smoke Where Cigarettes Are Cheap

Jul 16, 2014

Data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration illustrate an association between state cigarette taxes and smoking rates.  ...

Strategies for Managing Chronic Cough

Jul 10, 2014

Chronic cough, or cough that persists beyond 8 weeks, has a prevalence of 9% to 33% in all age groups. Chronic cough can cause rib fractures, syncope, anxiety, physical discomfort, and embarrassment. ...

Grading the Nation’s Support for Emergency Care

Jul 10, 2014

Since 2006, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has periodically released a state-by-state report card on America’s emergency care environment. In 2014, the third installment of the ...

Smoking Cessation in People With HIV/AIDS

Jun 25, 2014

Published research shows that cigarette smoking rates among people living with HIV/AIDS are substantially higher than those of the general public. “The prevalence of smoking adults in the United Sta...

Anaphylaxis Care in the ED

Jun 24, 2014

Guidelines and updated emergency medicine (EM) practice parameters have been issued for the management of anaphylaxis in the ED, but research indicates that significant knowledge and practice gaps per...

Trends In The Top Killers

Jun 24, 2014

The CDC recently released data on the most common causes of death in the United States in 2010. ...

COPD & Cognitive Issues

Jun 20, 2014

As the third leading cause of death in the United States, COPD affects about 13.7 million patients. Recent research has suggested that as many as 77% of patients with COPD and hypoxemia have some form...

Guidelines for Managing OSA in Adults

Jun 05, 2014

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disorder that affects patients of all ages, especially those who are middle-aged and elderly. “Studies show that OSA rates are increasing in the United Stat...

