CRISS Score at CF Exacerbation Onset Predicts Permanent Lung Function Decline
Researchers found the CFRSD-CRISS score is an effective predictor of lung function recovery after a pulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis....
Researchers found the CFRSD-CRISS score is an effective predictor of lung function recovery after a pulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis....
For cancer with painful vertebral metastases, dose-intensified SBRT improved 6-month pain scores more effectively than cEBRT, without added toxicity....
An allergist shares how the AIRQ can benefit shared decision-making, ultimately improving patient care, treatment adherence, trust, and asthma outcomes....
The Injury Prevention Program significantly reduced parent-reported injuries among children in Black, Hispanic, and low-income families, according to findings....
Pediatricians play a critical role in prevention, diagnosis, and management of IgE-mediated food allergies, especially when allergist availability is limited....
A recent study compared the predictive performance of three imaging models in order to determine the most accurate noninvasive method for diagnosing MASH....
Elevated levels of the cytokine resistin appear to be linked with increased disease severity and greater risk for death for adults with PAH....
Heart rate variability shows promise as a useful screening tool to predict microvascular and macrovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes....
Incorporating socioeconomic indices such as the area deprivation index into clinical decisions may refine antibiotic treatments, potentially curbing antimicrobial resistance....
Older adults with COPD represent a significant portion of patients hospitalized with RSV-related illness, and can benefit substantially from preventive care....
Without a universal consensus, researchers provided guidance on how often to screen for cardiovascular comorbidities in patients with psoriasis....
The risk for disease progression, thrombosis, and mortality in essential thrombocythemia can be predicted with “readily available” patient information....
A recent survey reveals gender-based differences in how patients perceive PsA treatment and symptoms, as well as communication with healthcare providers....
Matthew Budoff, MD, reviews key points from the 2024 HCM guidelines, including recreational exercise, AF, and ICD risks, and discusses the possible impacts....
SAGE and BrainTest are free, self-administered, and efficiently help primary care providers with early cognitive impairment detection....
Patients with MS performed worse on cognitive tests when they had anxiety and depression compared with patients with only anxiety, only depression, or neither....
Altered serum metabolites in primary MF present opportunities for antioxidant therapy, as patients with PMF have a different metabolic makeup....
Researchers explored risk factors and surgical margins for treating nonmelanoma head and neck cancers such as basal cell carcinoma and Merkel cell carcinoma....
AI-enhanced FAF improves detection and analysis of features of degeneration in retinal images, which may help monitor, predict progression in, and treat IRDs....
A new risk assessment model predicts VTW, developed to address heterogeneity in lymphoma types and presentations, and the generalizability of existing models. ...
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