Laser Surgery
Jan 11, 2021
Retinal shape presents a clinical parameter of interest for myopia, and has commonly been inferred indirectly from peripheral refraction (PRX) profiles. Distortion-corrected optical coherence tomograp...
Jan 11, 2021
Convergence plays a fundamental role in the performance of near visual tasks. We measured the effect of two levels of convergence on anterior scleral thickness and shape in emmetropes, low to moderate...
Jan 07, 2021
To develop an age-dependent model to estimate the positions of the ocular and lenticular principal planes (pps) for use in ocular and axial power calculations.Ocular power of the eye (P ) and axial po...
Jan 07, 2021
A man with 360° bilateral peripheral thinning, peripheral vascularization, and lipid deposition diagnosed with Terrien marginal degeneration, underwent a 360° peripheral annular lamellar sclerokerat...
Jan 07, 2021
Infantile nystagmus is an infrequent condition that represents a diagnostic challenge for the pediatri cian. Albinism is one of its main causes, being difficult to suspect in the absence of evident cu...
Jan 04, 2021
This review provides insights into the mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of myopia and potential targets for clinical intervention. Although the etiology of myopia involves both environmental and ...
Jan 04, 2021
Myopic maculopathy and glaucoma belong to the most common causes of irreversible blindness worldwide and, having an ocular axial elongation as one of their main risk factors, can occur together. The d...
Jan 04, 2021
Evaluation of the demographic profile, clinical features, topographic, biomechanical and aberrometric characteristics in pediatric keratoconus (KC).Cross-sectional study METHODS: Cases with KC aged &l...
Dec 31, 2020
The purpose of this study was to perform a detailed longitudinal phenotyping of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (RP) caused by mutations in the RPGR gene during a long follow-up period.An Italian cohort...
Dec 31, 2020
To compare the value of pre-treatment axial elongation (AE) and changes in refractive sphere (M change) for predicting the success in orthokeratology (ortho-k), in order to better identify suitable ca...
Dec 31, 2020
Complications from pathologic myopia (PM) are a major cause of visual impairment and blindness. However, an efficient clinical therapeutic strategy for PM is still lacking. The aim of this study was t...
Dec 24, 2020
To propose the Myopic Traction Maculopathy (MTM) management Table, based on the MTM Staging System (MSS).A retrospective review of 157 eyes affected by MTM, operated with pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), ...
Dec 24, 2020
To describe a clinical picture resembling classic multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) potentially triggered by previous or concurrent, apparently unrelated, ocular events and to provide a l...
Dec 24, 2020
CTNNB1 (MIM 116806) encodes beta-catenin, an adherens junction protein that supports the integrity between layers of epithelial tissue and mediates intercellular signaling. Recently, various heterozyg...
Dec 21, 2020
Refractive errors (conditions in which the eye fails to focus objects accurately on the retina due to defects in the refractive system), are the most common cause of visual impairment. Myopia, hyperop...
Dec 21, 2020
Postoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage is an infrequent but devastating complication after non-valved aqueous drainage implant surgery and demonstrated a bimodal distribution. The final outcomes of e...
Dec 21, 2020
We investigate the efficacy and safety of intravitreal injection (IVI) of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents and laser photocoagulation (LPC) for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). We perfo...
Dec 17, 2020
Collagen cross-linking of the sclera is a promising approach to strengthen scleral rigidity and thus to inhibit eye growth in progressive myopia. Additionally, cross-linking might inhibit degrading pr...
Dec 17, 2020
Myopia is the leading cause of refractive errors. As its pathogenesis is poorly understood, we determined if the retinal VIP-VIPR2 signalling pathway axis has a role in controlling signalling output t...
Dec 17, 2020
Homocystinuria due to cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) deficiency, the most frequent inborn error of sulfur amino acid metabolism, is characterized biochemically by severely elevated homocysteine (Hcy)...