OB/GYN General
Mar 02, 2020
Telomeres are particular sequences of DNA located at the end of the eukaryotic chromosomes that are essential for genome integrity. Telomere length in spermatozoa differs among males, as well as sperm...
Mar 02, 2020
Micronutrients in support to the carbon cycle were shown to reduce sperm DNA damage both in animal models and infertile men. Besides supporting DNA methylation, their positive effect may be mediated b...
Mar 02, 2020
Immunotherapy is a first-line treatment for many tumor types. However, most breast tumors are immuno-suppressive and only modestly respond to immunotherapy. We hypothesized that correcting arginine me...
Mar 02, 2020
Ceramide kinase (CerK) phosphorylates ceramide to ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P), a bioactive sphingolipid. Since the mechanisms responsible for regulating the proliferation and migration/metastasis of ca...
Mar 02, 2020
Environmental exposure to nonylphenol (NP) can adversely affect human and wildlife health. A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the relationship between environmental NP exposure and cancer p...
Mar 02, 2020
There is limited information on the oncological outcomes of immediate autologous breast reconstruction in the Asian population. This study aimed to evaluate the oncological outcomes of immediate one-s...
Mar 02, 2020
Highly expressed in cancer 1 (Hec1) plays an essential role in mitosis and is correlated with cancer formation, progression, and survival. Phosphorylation of Hec1 by Nek2 kinase is essential for its m...
Mar 02, 2020
Biodegradable microparticles (MPs) as vaccine adjuvants have sparked the passion of researchers in recent decades. However, it is still a huge challenge to develop an efficient vaccine delivery system...
Mar 02, 2020
In Caribbean island populations, varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infection is reported regularly among adolescents and adults. Among them, disease more often runs a severe course, causing a substantial b...
Mar 02, 2020
Condyloma acuminata are a type of verrucous hyperplasia in the genital and perianal areas caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) infection. Traditional treatment methods for condyloma acuminata, such a...
Mar 02, 2020
The tumor microenvironment can be classified into immunologically active "inflamed" tumors and inactive "non-inflamed" tumors based on the infiltration of cytotoxic immune cells. Previous studies on l...
Mar 02, 2020
Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and it is mainly caused by the neurotropic herpes simplex virus (HSV-2). Not only does this infection cause ulcers, but...
Mar 02, 2020
In the reproductive phase, women experience cyclic changes in the ovaries and uterus, and hormones regulate these changes. Menopause is the permanent loss of menstruation after 12 months of amenorrhea...
Mar 02, 2020
A positive pregnancy test in acute or chronically ill patients has implications for the use of potentially mutagenic or teratogenic products in urgent medical therapies such as the use of chemotherapi...
Mar 02, 2020
Numerous risk factors have been reported to influence the development of urinary incontinence (UI). In this study, we took a closer look on the different forms of UI and tried to identify differences ...
Mar 02, 2020
Epidemiologic studies suggest that declining estrogen level in menopause may play an important role in the pathogenesis of dementia and contribute to increased risk of cognitive impairment in women. M...
Mar 02, 2020
The aim of this pilot study was to analyze the serum proteomic profile of women suffering from menstrual-related migraine (MM group, n = 15) and migraine in post-menopause (PM group, n = 15) in compar...
Mar 02, 2020
Endometriosis is widely associated with infertility in women of childbearing age, for which there have been no effective treatments. Recent studies suggest that the dysregulation of RNAs contributes t...
Mar 02, 2020
Endometriosis is a common gynecological condition affecting women of reproductive age. It has been linked with higher rates of depression and anxiety in small, cross-sectional, and clinical studies. O...
Mar 02, 2020
Severe maternal morbidity continues to be an issue of national and global concern and is increasing in incidence. The incidence of infertility is also on the rise, and infertile women experience a hig...