
OB/GYN General

Long-term Clinical Outcomes of Major Adverse Vascular Events Following Pregnancy Hypertensive Disorders

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to investigate the relationship between hypertensive diseases of pregnancy and unfavorable postpartum outcomes, such as chronic kidney disease and serious adverse cardi...

Severe Maternal Morbidity and the Risk of Mortality After Childbirth

Jan 25, 2022

Researchers wanted to investigate the long-term risks of death following a pregnancy complicated by significant maternal morbidity. Researchers examined a longitudinal cohort of 1,229,306 women who ga...

In a Canadian Population, Changes in the Frequency of Caesarean Delivery in Nulliparous Women in Labour

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to determine the relative influence of changes in patient demographics and physician management to changes in the cesarean delivery rate in labor among nulliparous wome...

The Relationship Between Persistent Breech Presentation and External Cephalic Version Success

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to assess the possibility of a link between a novel variable, persistent breech presentation, and the success rate of the external cephalic version (ECV). This was a re...

Expectant Management of Full-Term, Low-Risk, Nulliparous Patients: Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to examine the risks of maternal and perinatal outcomes in low-risk nulliparous patients undergoing expectant care based on the completed week of gestation from 39 week...

The Dallas Uterus Transplant Study Has Twelve Live Births After Uterus Transplantation

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers described aggregated pregnancy outcomes following uterine transplantation at a single experienced facility. The prospective research reported on live births among 20 women who...

Treatment Algorithm for Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy that is Semiautonomous

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to determine if the deployment of a semiautonomous treatment algorithm was linked with increased compliance with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists...

After Vaginal Delivery, Postpartum Salpingectomy vs. Standard Tubal Ligation

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to compare the surgical results of postpartum salpingectomy and tubal ligation following vaginal birth. Using the electronic medical record, the retrospective cohort an...

Prophylactic Use of Uterotonics to Prevent Postpartum Haemorrhage in Women Undergoing Caesarean Delivery for Labour Arrest

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to determine if oxytocin with ergonovine or oxytocin plus carboprost is more efficacious than oxytocin alone in minimizing the need for further uterotonics in women und...

Failed Labour Induction: Incidence and Risk Factors Using a New Definition

Jan 25, 2022

For this study, researchers wanted to evaluate the prevalence of unsuccessful induction of labor and the patient risk factors associated with it. Researchers conducted case-control research on a group...

Using Department of Veterans Affairs Health Record Data to Assess Female Veterans' Pregnancy Wellness

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to investigate the feasibility of employing measures established by the National Preconception Health and Health Care Initiative's Clinical Workgroup to assess women's ...

Female Veterans' Reproductive and Family Planning Behaviours and Outcomes in Relation to Sexual Assault

Jan 25, 2022

For this study, researchers wanted to investigate the association between lifetime sexual assault (defined as having been sexually assaulted at some point in one's life) and reproductive health care s...

Surgical Outcomes Following Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy vs. Total Vaginal Hysterectomy for Large Uteri

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to compare the surgical results of complete laparoscopic hysterectomy with total vaginal hysterectomy in patients with uterine weights larger than 250 g. They used data...

Major Vascular Injuries During Gynaecologic Surgery for Benign Indications

Jan 25, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to determine the frequency, location, origin, and mortality of significant vascular injuries during gynecologic laparoscopy for benign purposes. A total of 997 papers w...

Curriculum Development in Sexual and Reproductive Health Equity With Community Involvement

Jan 24, 2022

For a study, it was determined that inequitable results in sexual and reproductive health disproportionately affect marginalized populations. Despite research relating structural drivers to these disc...

Implementation of a Universal Pregnancy Screening Process for Substance Abuse

Jan 24, 2022

For a study, a standardized universal drug screening approach was implemented in an outpatient prenatal clinic in an urban tertiary care hospital. Researchers implemented universal drug use screening ...

Rates of Vaginal Hysterectomy Before and After the Implementation of a Multi-Tier Intervention

Jan 24, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to evaluate the efficacy of a multi-tiered strategy to improve vaginal hysterectomy rates. At a single tertiary care medical center, the researchers conducted cohort re...

Counseling for Smoking Cessation Behaviorally During Pregnancy

Jan 24, 2022

For a study, researchers wanted to determine the cost-effectiveness of employing behavioral smoking cessation therapy during pregnancy. Researchers created a decision-analytic model using software to ...

Multiple Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma (Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma) with Extradural Involvement in a 7-Year-Old Labrador Retriever.

Jan 24, 2022

A 7-year-old castrated male Labrador retriever was referred for evaluation of progressive hind limb paresis of 4 weeks' duration. On computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging examination, mas...

Severe Intraoperative Hyperglycemia and Infectious Complications After Elective Brain Neurosurgical Procedures: Prospective Observational Study.

Jan 24, 2022

Postoperative infections after brain surgery are a serious complication potentially worsening the outcome of surgical treatment. Severe intraoperative hyperglycemia (SIH) contributes to both infectiou...

