Ophthalmology General
Oct 26, 2020
To assess the prevalence of cataract and cataract surgery in a population from Russia, we conducted the population-based Ural Eye and Medical Study with 5899 participants (80.5% out of 7328 eligible i...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to validate six previously known primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG)-related loci in a Korean population. rs1900004 in ATOH7 (OR=1.29, p=0.0024); rs1063192 (OR=0.69, p=0.0006), rs21...
Oct 23, 2020
Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) remains the gold standard therapy for nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO), but is invasive and does not maintain the physiology of the lacrimal pathway. With transcanalicu...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to investigate the travel burden and its impact on clinical presentation in a large sample of patients with retinoblastoma from Africa and Europe. 518 treatment-naïve patients wit...
Oct 23, 2020
This study was done to assess the effectiveness, burden and safety of two categories of treatment for CRVO: intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF and dexamethasone (Ozurdex). A retrospective analysis ...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to test the hypothesis that adjacent use of lasers with systemic chemotherapy for treatment of retinoblastoma may reduce recurrence rates while also causing local side effects. Info...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to investigate and quantify peripapillary vascular and neuronal changes secondary to diabetic retinopathy, using spectral-domain OCT and OCTA. 51 eyes of 51 patients affected by NP...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to report the clinical outcomes of autologous minor salivary gland transplantation (MSGT) for the treatment of severe dry eye disease caused by cicatrising conjunctivitis. This was...
Oct 23, 2020
This study quantifies end of life vision in terms of VA and visual field status. A prospective service evaluation of patients undergoing trabeculectomy who died prior to the study evaluation point. ...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to assess the IOL, characteristics on IOL dislocations after cataract surgery. Patients who underwent cataract surgery were included and medical records were reviewed. Cox proporti...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to determine the tipping point at which peripapillary vessel density (pVD), measured using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A), is associated with detectable visual fie...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to describe the characteristic clinical features and management of keratitis in the patients receiving miltefosine for post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL). The medical recor...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to identify objective criteria from OCT and perimetry that denote a useful, specific definition of GON in eyes with open-angle glaucoma for comparisons among glaucoma research studi...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to establish a comparison of repeatability of peripapillary perfusion density and flux index measurements on referenced and non-referenced optical microangiography (OMAG) scans in n...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to compare ray-tracing aberrometry, Hartmann-Shack wavefront analysis, automated refraction, and manifest refraction in patients with echelette diffractive intraocular lenses (IOLs)...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to investigate the mechanisms of pathological changes in corneal stroma and the wearing time of soft contact lenses using the metabolomic method. Laser scanning confocal microscopy...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to assess whether densitometry analysis appropriately monitors the development of haze in myopic patients after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) when compared to subjective slit-la...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to assess 3-year safety and efficacy of EF I-CXL in patients with progressive keratoconus. This prospective interventional pilot study included 24 eyes of 20 patients, with a mean ...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to describe the first clinical case using intrastromal lenticule rotation to surgically correct high astigmatism in an amblyopic eye. A 31-year-old woman with mixed astigmatism of ...
Oct 23, 2020
The study was done to evaluate a new non-ablative and adjustable procedure for laser ablative refractive corneal surgery in hyperopia using the injection of a biocompatible liquid filler material into...