
Ophthalmology General

Serial Ensemble Depiction of Perceptual History Biases

Apr 10, 2023

The following is a summary of "Perceptual history biases in serial ensemble representation," published in the March 2023 issue of Ophthalmology by Khayat, et al. Ensemble perception is the visu...

Fundus Image-label Pairs Synthesis and Retinopathy Screening via GANs with Class-imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning.

Apr 10, 2023

Retinopathy is the primary cause of irreversible yet preventable blindness. Numerous deep-learning algorithms have been developed for automatic retinal fundus image analysis. However, existing methods...

FIT-Net: Feature Interaction Transformer Network for Pathologic Myopia Diagnosis.

Apr 10, 2023

Automatic and accurate classification of retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) images is essential to assist physicians in diagnosing and grading pathological changes in pathologic myopia (PM). C...

Mucoadhesive thermogel platform for treating anterior ocular conditions.

Apr 10, 2023

A platform mucoadhesive and thermogelling eyedrop was developed for application to the inferior fornix for the treatment of various anterior segment ocular conditions. The poly(n-isopropylacrylamide) ...

In situ formation of injectable organogels for punctal occlusion and sustained release of therapeutics: design, preparation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation.

Apr 10, 2023

The treatment of dry eye mainly includes instillation of cyclosporine A (CsA) nanoemulsion or the use of punctal plugs. Therefore, in this study, a novel injectable in situ organogel plug was develope...

Early post-operative anterior segment parameters modifications induced by PreserFlo MicroShunt in primary open-angle glaucoma.

Apr 10, 2023

The aim this study is to determine anterior chamber parameters variations induced by PreserFlo MicroShunt implantation, in the early post-operative days.This is a prospective observational study on 48...

eIF2α incites photoreceptor cell and retina damage by all-trans-retinal.

Apr 10, 2023

Dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and recessive Stargardt's disease (STGD1) lead to irreversible blindness in humans. The accumulation of all-trans-retinal (atRAL) induced by chaos in visual ...

Clinical efficacy of a new surgical technique of oral mucosal epithelial transplantation for severe ocular surface disorders.

Apr 10, 2023

Severe ocular surface disorders are one of the major blinding diseases, and a paucity of original tissue obscures successful reconstruction. We developed a new surgical technique of direct oral mucosa...

Using Serial to Model Facial Perception in a Social Setting

Apr 05, 2023

The following is a summary of "Modeling facial perception in group context from a serial perception perspective," published in the March 2023 issue of Ophthalmology by Yu, et al. For a study, r...

Study on HSPGs of the Ocular Lens: Functions and Implications

Apr 04, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) of the ocular lens,” published in the March 2023 issue of Progress in retinal and eye research by Wishart, et al. Mo...

Study of the Visionary Light-sensor Rhodopsin

Apr 03, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Rhodopsin, light-sensor of vision,” published in the March 2023 issue of Progress in retinal and eye research by Hofmann, et al. Rhodopsin is a G-protein-...

The adhesion G-protein-coupled receptor VLGR1/ADGRV1 controls autophagy.

Apr 03, 2023

VLGR1/ADGRV1 (very large G protein-coupled receptor-1) is the largest known adhesion G protein-coupled receptor. Mutations in VLGR1/ADGRV1 cause Usher syndrome (USH), the most common form of hereditar...

Sigma 1 receptor activation improves retinal structure and function in the Rho mouse model of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.

Apr 03, 2023

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of devastating inherited retinal diseases that leads to visual impairment and oftentimes complete blindness. Currently no cure exists for RP thus research into pro...

Elevated Neuropeptides in Dry Eye Disease and Their Clinical Correlations.

Apr 03, 2023

The goal of this study was to assess neuropeptide levels in patients with dry eye disease (DED) and investigate their correlations with clinical characteristics.This study included 38 eyes of 38 patie...

The epidemiology of dry eye disease in the UK: The Aston dry eye study.

Apr 03, 2023

Cross-sectional studies on dry eye disease (DED) have relied on different diagnoses hindering conclusions about the disease epidemiology. This study offers an insight into DED epidemiology in the UK u...

The Association between Decreased Choriocapillary Flow and Electroretinogram Impairments in Patients with Diabetes.

Apr 03, 2023

To evaluate the association between choriocapillary flow (CCF) and electroretinogram (ERG) in patients with diabetes.This was a cross-sectional study. Patients with type 2 diabetes and healthy control...

Metabolomic analysis of aqueous humor reveals potential metabolite biomarkers for differential detection of macular edema.

Apr 03, 2023

Macular edema (ME) is a major complication of retinal disease with multiple mechanisms involved in its development. This study aimed to investigate the metabolite profile of aqueous humor (AH) in pati...

A Scoping Review of Patients' Barriers to Eye Care for Glaucoma and Keratitis.

Apr 03, 2023

In this scoping review, we examine underlying causes of loss to follow-up for chronic (glaucoma) and acute (corneal ulcers) eye conditions using the Penchansky and Thomas access to care framework. We ...

Systematic analysis of levels of evidence supporting American Academy of Ophthalmology Preferred Practice Pattern guidelines, 2012-2021.

Apr 03, 2023

Despite the increased emphasis on evidence-based medicine, the current state of evidence behind ophthalmology clinical practice guidelines is unknown. The purpose of this systematic analysis was to un...

Retinal Glial Cell Activation Contributes to Glaucoma-Induced Ganglion Cell Degeneration

Mar 31, 2023

The following is a summary of the “Activation of retinal glial cells contributes to the degeneration of ganglion cells in experimental glaucoma,” published in the March 2023 issue of Progress in r...

