
Ophthalmology General

Comparing Multifocal, Flicker, and Unifocal Pupil Perimetry Methods in Adults

Nov 17, 2022

Subjective standard automated perimetry continues to be the method of choice for assessing visual field defects (VFDs). A more expedient, objective approach is now required, nevertheless. These condit...

Integrating Real-World Spatial Regularities to Encode Specificity in Working Memory

Nov 17, 2022

The majority of things exhibit strong spatial regularity (e.g., beach umbrellas appear above, not under, beach chairs). Visual working memory (VWM) benefits from the spatial regularities of real-world...

High-level Visual Search in Autism Children

Nov 16, 2022

Visual search has been categorized as either slow, difficult search with focused attention, with set size-dependent speed, or easy feature search with quick target recognition and negligible set size ...

Predictive Control in Ocular Accommodation Neural Models

Nov 16, 2022

The act of changing the eye's crystalline lens to focus the retinal picture is known as ocular accommodation. Therefore, the primary input for accommodation is retinal defocus, and the main function o...

Transient Attention Equally Reduces Visual Crowding in Radial & Tangential Axes

Nov 15, 2022

Crowding is the inability to distinguish an outlying object because of its close proximity to other things (flankers). This syndrome, linked to macular degeneration, amblyopia, and dyslexia, causes re...

Healthy Aging Impairs Face Discrimination Ability

Nov 15, 2022

Face photos makes it possible to distinguish between different identities. For a study, researchers sought to measure the effects of aging on several face identity discriminating factors. A memory-fre...

Rapid Visual Detection Task: Alpha Oscillations & Stimulus-evoked Activity Dissociate Metacognitive Reports of Attention, Confidence, and Visibility

Nov 15, 2022

The variability of weak visual stimulus detection and discrimination has been associated with oscillatory brain activity. Subjective visibility, attention, and decision confidence have all been influe...

Internal Noise Measures in Coarse & Fine Motion Direction Discrimination Tasks with Autism Traits

Nov 14, 2022

Motion perception is crucial for visual behavior guiding, but it is known to be constrained by both motion pooling (global integration of local motion signals across space) and internal additive noise...

Metacognitive Measurement Assumptions: Implications for Theory and Practice

Nov 14, 2022

The gaussian signal detection framework has served as the foundation for several theories of visual confidence. Because of how prevalent the framework is, the peculiar repercussions of this distributi...

Oculomotor Responses of the Visual System to an Artificial Central Scotoma May Not Represent Genuine Visuomotor Adaptation

Nov 14, 2022

When their scotoma is lost, patients with central vision loss frequently choose a site outside of it as their new preferred retinal locus (PRL). In addition to being crucial for the rehabilitation of ...

Perceptual Adaptation is Reflected in Magnetoencephalography Contrast Adaptation

Nov 11, 2022

A key visual function known as contrast adaptation has been well studied and utilized to deduce the selectivity of the visual brain. In a recent study, researchers found a discrepancy between the effe...

Covert Attention and Crowding as Microsaccadic Correlates

Nov 11, 2022

A common element impacting object identification in the peripheral visual field is spatial crowding, which happens when an item is crowded amid other objects in space. In order to measure crowding, cr...

Perspective Change and External References Affect Visual Search Performance as an Embodied Process

Nov 11, 2022

In the lab, conventional visual search tasks often include finding targets in 2D displays with examples of things. Real-world visual search frequently involves non-perpendicular seeing of 3D objects i...

The Context Affects Saccade Suppression of Displacements

Nov 10, 2022

Saccades let the visual world move quickly across the retina, creating a strong motion sensation. But when people see things naturally, they never see motion caused by saccades. A brief decrease in vi...

One Exposure a Day is Sufficient for Improved General Compensation for Environmental Color Changes

Nov 10, 2022

Vision adjusts to the new visual environment to retain proper perception. The visual system may develop the ability to quickly adapt to frequent environmental changes through a process known as "visua...

In The Same-Different Task, Can Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Support Relational Reasoning?

Nov 10, 2022

A fundamental ability essential to abstract combinatorial cognition is same-different visual reasoning. Since deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) were tested for same-different classification a...

Suprathreshold Judgments Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Nov 09, 2022

From binary evaluations of triads and quadruples, perceptual scales have been generated using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The approach was based on Thurstone's notion of a stochastic percepti...

Taking Daily Objects Out of Focus and Forgetting Them

Nov 09, 2022

In a lab experiment known as directed forgetting, participants were directly cued to forget certain information and recall others. Clinical diseases have been studied using volitional control over mem...

Binocular Luster: A Simple Model

Nov 09, 2022

When the contrast polarity in the two input pictures is of opposite sign, the dichoptic combination of simple center-surround stimuli presenting a contrast difference between eyes can provide a glossy...

Reading Eye Movements Under Degraded Viewing Conditions: Background Luminance, Text Blur, And Text Contrast

Nov 08, 2022

Slow reading is a result of poor seeing circumstances brought on by visual impairments or natural settings. For a study, researchers comprehensively examined how deteriorated seeing circumstances in t...

