
Ophthalmology General

Inhibitory effect of host ocular microenvironmental factors on chlorhexidine digluconate activity.

Mar 11, 2021

spp. are free-living protozoan that cause a serious human eye disease called keratitis (AK). Several new and effective medical therapy for AK patients remains highly debated and therefore, CHG is st...

An overview of optometrists' diabetic retinopathy practice patterns - a cross-sectional survey.

Mar 11, 2021

Contemporary eye care increasingly recommends the use of advanced retinal imaging technology. Anecdotal evidence suggests that this equipment is widely available in primary eye care settings; however,...

Reproducing diabetic retinopathy features using newly developed human induced-pluripotent stem cell-derived retinal Müller glial cells.

Mar 11, 2021

Muller glial cells (MGCs) are responsible for the homeostatic and metabolic support of the retina. Despite the importance of MGCs in retinal disorders, reliable and accessible human cell sources to be...

Deep Learning-Based Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Grading System Employing Quadrant Ensemble Model.

Mar 11, 2021

The diabetic retinopathy accounts in the deterioration of retinal blood vessels leading to a serious compilation affecting the eyes. The automated DR diagnosis frameworks are critically important for ...

Automated identification of clinical features from sparsely annotated 3-dimensional medical imaging.

Mar 11, 2021

One of the core challenges in applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to medicine is the limited availability of annotated medical data. Unlike in other applications of machine learning,...

Virtual clinics for glaucoma care - Patients' and clinicians' experiences and perceptions: a qualitative evaluation.

Mar 11, 2021

The role of glaucoma virtual clinics has developed to help meet demand for capacity within busy glaucoma services. There is limited research of patient and clinician experiences and perceptions of the...

Mitochondrial impairments in aetiopathology of multifactorial diseases: common origin but individual outcomes in context of 3P medicine.

Mar 11, 2021

Mitochondrial injury plays a key role in the aetiopathology of multifactorial diseases exhibiting a "vicious circle" characteristic for pathomechanisms of the mitochondrial and multi-organ damage freq...

Repetition blindness for words and pictures: A failure to form stable type representations?

Mar 08, 2021

Repetition blindness (RB) is the failure to detect and report a repeated item during rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP). The RB literature reveals consistent and robust RB for word stimuli, but s...

Bayesian Meta-Analysis of Myopia Control with Multifocal Lenses.

Mar 08, 2021

The aim of this study is to provide reliable guidelines for the mean percentage efficacy together with the 95% credibility interval in slowing down progression of myopia by a specific intervention ove...

RNA-seq and GSEA identifies suppression of ligand-gated chloride efflux channels as the major gene pathway contributing to form deprivation myopia.

Mar 08, 2021

Currently there is no consensus regarding the aetiology of the excessive ocular volume that characterizes high myopia. Thus, we aimed to test whether the gene pathways identified by gene set enrichmen...

Hyaluronan and its derivatives for ophthalmology: Recent advances and future perspectives.

Mar 08, 2021

Ophthalmic disorders are amid the most common pathologies worldwide. In this regard, hyaluronan (HA) has gained widespread use in eye surgeries and treatment of eye diseases. HA-based materials are we...

Use of saliva flow rate measurement in minor salivary glands autotransplantation for treatment of severe dry eye disease.

Mar 08, 2021

To use minor salivary glands' flow rate (MSGFR) measurement in minor salivary glands (MSGs) autotransplantation for the treatment of severe dry eye disease (DED).MSGs autotransplantations were perform...

Tear film break-up patterns in thyroid eye disease.

Mar 08, 2021

Evaluation of tear film break-up pattern (TFBUP) is the main diagnostic method for tear film-oriented therapy (TFOT) of dry eye. This prospective, observational study examined TFBUPs in 154 eyes/sides...

Pathogenesis study based on high throughput single-cell sequencing analysis reveals novel transcriptional landscape and heterogeneity of retinal cells in type 2 diabetic mice.

Mar 08, 2021

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of acquired blindness in middle-aged people. The complex pathology of DR is difficult to dissect, given the convoluted cytoarchitecture of the retina. He...

Outcomes of macular buckling surgery in myopic foveal detachment eyes with and without disrupted ellipsoid zone band: a case-control study.

Mar 08, 2021

To compare the outcomes of macular buckling (MB) surgery between myopic foveal detachment (FD) eyes with and without ellipsoid zone (EZ) disruption.A retrospective, case-control study. Forty-four cons...

Retinal Nrf2 expression in normal and early streptozotocin-diabetic rats.

Mar 08, 2021

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of vision loss among diabetic patients. Although hyperglycemia produces retinal oxidative stress in long-standing diabetes, the pathogenesis mechanism is ...

Increased Near Activities Function Associated with Increased Glaucoma Medication Adherence among Support, Educate, Empower (SEE) Participants.

Mar 08, 2021

Higher levels of near-vision related quality of life were associated with higher adherence to glaucoma medications after adjusting for important confounding variables among participants in the SEE per...

Human limbal epithelial stem cell regulation, bioengineering and function.

Mar 08, 2021

The corneal epithelium is continuously renewed by limbal stem/progenitor cells (LSCs), a cell population harbored in a highly regulated niche located at the limbus. Dysfunction and/or loss of LSCs and...

Intereye comparison of the characteristics of the peripapillary choroid in patients with unilateral normal tension glaucoma.

Mar 08, 2021

To compare the characteristics of the peripapillary choroid (PPC) between the two eyes of patients with unilateral treatment-naïve normal tension glaucoma (NTG).Observational case series.Sixty-nine p...

"Double Prosthesis Implantation": Biometry and Refractive Outcomes in Combined Intraocular Lens and Artificial Iris Surgery.

Mar 08, 2021

To assess the biometry and postoperative refraction in iris repair using ArtificialIris in combination with an intraocular lens (IOL).Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Unive...

