Pain General
Jan 25, 2013
About 38% of people who suffer from migraine could benefit from preventive treatments, but less than one-third currently uses them. Some analyses have shown that migraine attacks can be reduced by mor...
Jan 17, 2013
Self-management of lower back pain appears to have only small effects on pain and disability, according to findings from a systematic review. Analyses of 13 trials found little improvement in pain and...
Jan 14, 2013
Pain management is a critical component medical care for patients undergoing surgery, but studies suggest that up to 70% of individuals undergoing surgery complain of moderate-to-severe pain after the...
Jan 03, 2013
When compared with healthy controls, patients with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity (GS), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) appear to have a higher prevalence of migraine. Investigators from New ...
Dec 26, 2012
To help clinicians manage the increasing number of patients with osteoarthritis (OA), the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) revised its guidelines for using non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic th...
Dec 18, 2012
Arthroscopic and open repair of rotator cuff tears have been established in published research to have comparable clinical results, with each having distinct advantages and disadvantages. Some studies...
Dec 06, 2012
An exploration of the top 100 websites from searches of “scoliosis” using the five most commonly used search engines suggests that the overall quality of information on the condition appears to be...
Nov 27, 2012
To successfully manage type 2 diabetes in older adults, clinicians must recognize and understand the unique challenges these individuals face. While the benefits of tight glycemic control in older adu...
Oct 16, 2012
Two studies examine the role of genes in immediate and long-term pain. Two studies presented at the Anesthesiology 2012 annual meeting found that hereditary genes were responsible for the amount ...
Oct 15, 2012
The Particulars: Previous studies have suggested that the long-term benefits of traditional myofascial pain therapy tend to be transient and unpredictable. Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) blocks nerve ...
Oct 01, 2012
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Sep 26, 2012
A study analyzing self-reports from patients with fibromyalgia who were referred to a tertiary care pain center indicate that 13% used cannabinoids to manage their pain. Among these patients, 80% ...
Sep 11, 2012
This week, the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) published newly revised guidelines for Group A streptococcal pharyngitis, or "strep," in the journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases. Ab...
Sep 06, 2012
A team of investigators has found that pain intensity appears to be highly variable in patients with stage IV cancer. High pain variability was most likely to occur among the following: Minorities. ...
Aug 22, 2012
A study from researchers in the United States suggests that many patients do not pay attention to prescription warning labels. This effect was more pronounced for older than younger participants. The ...
Aug 09, 2012
In a meta-analysis, a team of Australian researchers found that upper abdominal pain, GERD, diarrhea, chest pain or heartburn, vomiting, retching, and incomplete evacuation appeared to be gastrointest...
Aug 09, 2012
Pain is one of the most common reasons for patients seeking care in EDs, accounting for up to 42% of all emergency room visits. Emergency physicians vary widely in prescribing patterns and often have ...
Jul 05, 2012
Previous research has reported that suicide attempts are higher for migraineurs than those without these headaches. A new national study suggests that pain severity may account for this increased risk...
Jun 26, 2012
Pain has been identified as the most common reason for patients seeking care in emergency rooms. Considering the substantial impact that pain has on patients, ED physicians need to be well versed in i...
Jun 19, 2012
The proportion of patients older than age 65 with cancer who have an opioid prescription appears to be low, according to Canadian investigators. About 33% of elderly patients did not have an opioid pr...