
Pain General

Clinical and biobehavioral perspectives: Is medication overuse headache a behavior of dependence?

Oct 05, 2020

Medication overuse headache (MOH), previously known as analgesic abuse headache or medication misuse headaches, is a common form of chronic headache disorder that has a detrimental impact on health an...

Targeting the 5-HT and 5-HT receptors for acute migraine treatment.

Oct 05, 2020

Migraine is a common and highly disabling headache disorder associated with a substantial socioeconomic burden. Migraine treatments can be categorized as preventive treatment, aimed at reducing the fr...

An Evidence-Based Review of Galcanezumab for the Treatment of Migraine.

Oct 05, 2020

This is a comprehensive review of the current literature on the usage of galcanezumab for migraine treatment. It reviews the biology, pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and conventional treatme...

3D-Printed Anatomic Modeling for Surgical Planning and Real-Time Operative Guidance in Complex Primary Spinal Column Tumors: Single-Center Experience and Case Series.

Oct 05, 2020

Three-dimensional (3D) printing has emerged as an available visualization tool for clinicians and patients. We sought to utilize patient-specific 3D-printed anatomical modeling for preoperative planni...

Prescription opioid misuse and its correlates among veterans and military in the United States: A systematic literature review.

Oct 05, 2020

Prescription opioid misuse (POM) has become a critical public health issue in the United States (US), with veteran and military population being especially vulnerable to POM. However, limited behavior...

Effect of a brief scenario-tailored educational program on parents' risk knowledge, perceptions and decisions to administer prescribed opioids: a randomized controlled trial.

Oct 05, 2020

This randomized, controlled trial evaluated whether a brief educational program (i.e., Scenario-Tailored Opioid Messaging Program [STOMP]) would improve parental opioid risk knowledge, perceptions, an...

An unusual complication of quadriparesis after trigger point injection: a case report.

Oct 05, 2020

Quadriparesis after intramuscular trigger point injections for myofascial pain syndrome has been rarely reported in the literature. A 37-year-old male patient presented with myofascial pain syndrome a...

Longitudinal and concurrent relationships between caregiver-child behaviours in the vaccination context and preschool attachment.

Oct 05, 2020

The present paper consists of two separate studies in which the overarching aim was to examine the relationships between caregiver-child behaviours in the vaccination context (infant and preschool) an...

Time-trends in Opioid Use Disorder Hospitalizations in Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, and Low Back Pain.

Oct 05, 2020

To examine opioid use disorder (OUD)-related hospitalizations and associated healthcare utilization outcomes in people with five common musculoskeletal diseases.We used the U.S. National Inpatient Sam...

Impact of Multidomain Disease Presentations on Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis in the Corrona Psoriatic Arthritis/Spondyloarthritis Registry.

Oct 05, 2020

To compare disease characteristics, quality of life (QOL), and work productivity of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) who had multidomain vs single-domain presentations.Adults with PsA enrolled ...

Factors Predictive of Prolonged Postoperative Narcotic Usage Following Orthopaedic Surgery.

Oct 05, 2020

The purpose of this comprehensive review was to investigate risk factors associated with prolonged opioid use after orthopaedic procedures. A comprehensive review of the opioid literature may help to ...

The incidence of persistent postoperative opioid use among U.S. veterans: A national study to identify risk factors.

Oct 05, 2020

To calculate the incidence and identify the predictors of persistent postoperative opioid use at different postoperative days.A subset of surgical patients continues to use long-term opioids. The impo...

BioCartilage augmentation of marrow stimulation procedures for cartilage defects of the knee: Two-year clinical outcomes.

Oct 05, 2020

The present study evaluated short-term outcomes of microfracture augmented with micronized allograft cartilage matrix (BioCartilage) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for symptomatic focal femoral condyl...

An anatomical neurovascular study for procedures targeting peri-articular nerves in patients with anterior knee pain.

Oct 05, 2020

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the articular branches innervating the anterior knee capsule has been studied as a possible alternative to surgery for degenerative arthritis. However, the neurovascul...

Proximal tibiofibular joint changes after closed-wedge high tibial osteotomy. Are they relevant?

Oct 05, 2020

There is some controversy about how the proximal tibiofibular joint (PTFJ) capsulotomy changes PTFJ anatomy in closed-wedge high tibial osteotomy (CW-HTO) and about how this affects ankle and knee mob...

Early Thromboprophylaxis in Operative Spinal Trauma Does Not Increase Risk of Bleeding Complications.

Oct 05, 2020

Thromboprophylaxis in patients with spinal trauma is often delayed due to the risk of bleeding and expansion of the intraspinal hematoma (ISH). Our study aimed to assess the safety of early initiation...

Perioperative Opioid Administration.

Oct 01, 2020

Opioids form an important component of general anesthesia and perioperative analgesia. Discharge opioid prescriptions are identified as a contributor for persistent opioid use and diversion. In parall...

Cost and cost-effectiveness of interim methadone treatment and patient navigation initiated in jail.

Oct 01, 2020

Individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) who are released from pre-trial detention in jail have a high risk of opioid relapse. While several interventions for OUD initiated during incarceration have...

Erenumab in Chronic Migraine: An Australian Experience.

Oct 01, 2020

To determine the effectiveness and safety of erenumab in patients with chronic migraine in the real-world setting of 3 headache centers in Australia.Patients with migraine were prescribed erenumab (70...

Brain Metabolism and Structure in Chronic Migraine.

Oct 01, 2020

The purpose of this paper is to review and synthesize current literature in which neurochemical and structural brain imaging were used to investigate chronic migraine (CM) pathophysiology and to furth...

