Pain General
Sep 14, 2020
Heterozygous missense mutations in COPA, encoding coatomer protein subunit alpha (COPA), cause an interferonopathy mainly associating lung, joint and kidney involvement. This rare autoinflammatory dis...
Sep 14, 2020
The social determinants of health (SDH) are known to differentially impact outcomes from many noncommunicable diseases; however, their potential role in low back pain (LBP) is poorly defined. This rev...
Sep 14, 2020
Nocebo hyperalgesia refers to increases in perceived pain that putatively result from negative expectations regarding a nocebo stimulus (eg, an inert treatment, compared with no treatment). The precis...
Sep 14, 2020
Low back pain (LBP) is a high-burden condition that lacks routine surveillance data. Health administrative data may be used for surveillance, but their validity for measuring LBP in the general popula...
Sep 14, 2020
Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR) is a clinical test that challenges lumbopelvic stability and have been used in low back pain patients. There are reports of positive tests in asymptomatic individuals,...
Sep 14, 2020
Fibromyalgia is commonly considered a stress-related chronic pain disorder, and daily stressors are known triggers. However, the relation between stress and pain development remains poorly defined by ...
Sep 14, 2020
In contrast to other chronic rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, comorbidities in axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and their impact on disease outcomes are less well studie...
Sep 14, 2020
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain. It is more common in women than in men, and sex hormones may play a role in this predominance. Therefore, this research...
Sep 14, 2020
Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a member of the IL-2 family of cytokines, which use receptor complexes containing the common gamma (γ) chain for signaling. IL-15 plays important roles in innate and adaptat...
Sep 14, 2020
The use of controlled substances like cocaine increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and myocardial infarction (MI). However, outside of alcohol and tobacco, substance use is not included ...
Sep 11, 2020
Ankle sprains are one of the most common types of musculoskeletal injuries. Physiotherapy is routinely given to patients with ankle sprains. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of supervised phys...
Sep 10, 2020
Achilles tendinopathy (AT), or Achilles tendinitis, is an injury of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. The usual care given to patients with AT does not result in po...
Sep 10, 2020
Chronic pain often predicts the onset of psychological distress. Symptoms including anxiety and depression after pain chronification reportedly are caused by brain remodeling/recruitment of the limbic...
Sep 10, 2020
Migraine is a common and debilitating neurological disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of moderate to severe throbbing headache accompanied by nausea, vomiting and photophobia/phonophobia. Bec...
Sep 10, 2020
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) is characterized by recurrent thunderclap headaches associated with segmental vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries, which may result in intracrani...
Sep 10, 2020
This study aimed to investigate the clinical predictors of post-ictal headache (PIH) in patients with epilepsy in a tertiary center in Brazil.302 individuals with adult-onset epilepsy were followed fo...
Sep 10, 2020
Secondary salinization of freshwater ecosystems is of increasing global concern. One of the main causes are the effluents of the potash mining industry containing high concentrations of major ions (Cl...
Sep 10, 2020
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that leads to joint deformity and disability, as well as muscle involvement. Sarcopenia is characterized by a progressive age-related loss of ...
Sep 10, 2020
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is complex autoimmune system disease and significant impact on the health of population in our world. Numerous studies confirmed that genetic factors play a crucial role in t...
Sep 10, 2020
Evidence in preclinical models of chronic pain and human psychophysical investigations has suggested that alterations in endogenous brainstem pain-modulation circuit functioning are critical for the i...