
Skeptical Scalpel

Pitfalls of Online Outcomes Data for Surgeons

Risk-adjusted 30- to 90-day outcome data for selected types of operations done by specific surgeons and hospitals are now being publicly posted online by England’s National Health Service. According to the site, “Any...

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Patient Falls Off OR Table: System Error?

An anesthetized patient fell to the floor headfirst from an operating room (OR) table during a laparoscopic appendectomy in Scotland. The table had been tilted into an extreme head-down position to facilitate the operation....

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How Surveys Mislead

Do you believe that traditional hospitals will be obsolete in the future? A recent survey found that 57% of those polled believed that would happen. The survey, sponsored by the Intel Corporation, involved 12,000 subjects from...

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Searching for Drugs and Crossing Ethical Lines

Back in September, I blogged about a case of a man in Tennessee who was sedated, intubated, and placed on a ventilator without his consent so that an emergency physician could perform a rectal exam looking for drugs. The court...

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Finally, the Ultimate Hospital Rating System

Finding out which hospitals are best is like “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” Are you tired of seeing conflicting ratings from such once respected sources as Leapfrog, Medicare Compare,...

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