
Surgery General

AAOS 2014: Gastric Bypass Improves Knee Pain & Function

Mar 17, 2014

The Particulars: Elevated BMI has been linked to symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) in previous studies. Data are lacking on the impact of weight loss following gastric bypass surgery (GBS) on knee ...

AAOS 2014: Postoperative “Doctor Shopping” & Narcotic Use in Orthopedic Patients

Mar 17, 2014

The Particulars: Recent studies have shown that prescription drug abuse is on the rise throughout the United States. With this phenomenon has come a rise in “doctor shopping,” the practice of visi...

AAOS 2014: Uncontrolled Diabetes Raises Risk for Post-TSA Complications

Mar 17, 2014

The Particulars: Prior research indicates that, in general, patients with diabetes who undergo surgery are at higher risk for comorbidities and perioperative complications. Little is known, however, a...

AAOS 2014: Statins & VTE After Knee & Hip Replacements

Mar 17, 2014

The Particulars: Studies have shown that statin therapy helps decrease the incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in healthy, non-surgical patients. However, VTE following orthopedic procedures—j...

Surgical Site Infection Rates: Good or Bad?

Mar 17, 2014

Postoperative acute care visits for clinically significant surgical site infections (SSIs) occurred within 14 days after 3.09 of every 1,000 ambulatory operations performed and within 30 days in 4.84 ...

PAD & Diabetes: Making the Connection

Mar 11, 2014

According to recent estimates, more than 15 million Americans have peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a disease characterized by atherosclerotic occlusive disease of the lower extremities. “About 20...

Redefining MI After Revascularization

Mar 11, 2014

Numerous definitions for diagnosing myocardial infarction (MI) after coronary revasculariza­tion are currently being used by clinicians. In 2013, the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interv...

Electronic Communication With Patients

Mar 11, 2014

Throughout healthcare, there has been a recent push for electronic communications to be used more frequently as a means to improve quality of care. Examples include emailing test results to patients o...

AAOS 2014

Mar 11, 2014

New  research is being presented at AAOS 2014, the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, from March 11-15 in New Orleans. Meeting Highlights Statins & VTE After Knee &a...

Shady History Hasn't Hurt Cosmetic Surgeon's Online Ratings

Mar 10, 2014

There seems to be no shortage of bad doctor stories going around these days. Just when you thought you'd heard the worst, along comes another. Dr. Ehab Mohamed, a "cosmetic surgeon" in California, ...

Improving Hospital VTE Prophylaxis

Mar 05, 2014

Policy makers and regulators have placed a great emphasis on venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention due to its significant healthcare burden. Hospital VTE measures are now part of CMS’s pay-for-per...

Guidelines for Improving Voice Outcomes Post-Thyroid Surgery

Mar 05, 2014

Over the past 30 years, the rates of thyroid surgery have tripled in the United States, according to recent estimates. Studies indicate that between 118,000 and 166,000 patients in the U.S. undergo th...

Making the Case for More Specialist Training

Feb 25, 2014

Experts have reported that population growth among the elderly and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases in these older Americans will have profound implications for the United States healthca...

3D Printing Helps Fix Child's Heart

Feb 24, 2014

3D printing is now being used as a model for doctors to better envision particular procedures. Source:  ...

The Ongoing Decline of Resident Education

Feb 24, 2014

A paper from Johns Hopkins looked at traditional, every fourth night calls compared to reduced-hours interns working staggered shifts of an every fifth night call or "night float." "Night float" me...

Reducing Risks of Foot Complications in Diabetes

Feb 22, 2014

Foot complications such as amputation and foot ulceration are common consequences of diabetic neuropathy and peripheral arterial disease (PAD). These complications have been identified as major causes...

Decision-Making Preferences After AMI

Feb 12, 2014

In recent years, experts have called for greater partici­pation by patients in medical decision-making processes, but research suggests that shared decision making is not yet routinely incorporated i...

An Update on CAD in Women

Feb 12, 2014

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of mortality for men and women in the United States. Historically, CAD has been thought to be a “man’s disease,” perhaps because the average ag...

Surgical Readmissions and Quality of Care

Feb 10, 2014

Throughout the United States, reducing the rates of hospital readmissions has become a top priority, as evidenced by CMS planning to include surgical procedures in the expansion of the penalty program...

Radiation Therapy After Prostatectomy

Feb 10, 2014

Radical prostatectomy (RP) is the most common primary treatment for localized prostate cancer. For most men, the surgery will cure the disease, but up to one-third of patients will present with recurr...

