Surgery General
Jan 17, 2013
Among patients undergoing cardiac surgery, perioperative supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids does not appear to reduce the risk of postoperative atrial fibrillation (AF). An international investi...
Jan 16, 2013
Studies have shown that using surgical simulators to improve skills in the operating room (OR) can be effective for surgeons in training. To maximize the effectiveness of simulation training, a profic...
Jan 16, 2013
Studies indicate that sedation during bronchoscopy makes the procedure more comfortable for patients and provides better working conditions for physicians when compared with no sedation. Sedation can ...
Jan 15, 2013
According to recent estimates, about 400,000 pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are surgically implanted each year in the United States. In 2008, the American College of Car...
Jan 14, 2013
Pain management is a critical component medical care for patients undergoing surgery, but studies suggest that up to 70% of individuals undergoing surgery complain of moderate-to-severe pain after the...
Jan 10, 2013
Among patients being considered for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair, moderate and severe chronic kidney disease (CKD) appears to be associated with significantly increased mortality. Mortality ...
Jan 09, 2013
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are the most common complication facing colorectal surgery patients, occurring in 15% to 30% of cases. SSIs prolong hospitalization, increase readmissions, require subs...
Jan 09, 2013
More than 50,000 thyroid operations are performed in the United States annually, and postoperative hypoparathyroidism can occur in up to 30% of cases. To protect against the development of symptomatic...
Jan 09, 2013
Most patients who undergo aortic valve replacement (AVR) appear to have pulmonary hypertension that remains following AVR, according to a Cleveland Clinic investigation. Any improvement in initial rig...
Jan 09, 2013
Performing routine needle biopsy of suspicious lung nodules in surgical candidates appears to have several benefits, according to Canadian investigators. With routine needle biopsy, 16% of patients av...
Jan 09, 2013
Perceptions of fatigue appear to have improved following the implementation of the 2003 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education duty hour limits, according to a survey of residents. The a...
Jan 09, 2013
A Johns Hopkins University study suggests that many anesthesia drugs used for children are not approved by FDA labels for pediatric use. Of the 106 drugs administered during anesthesia to pediatric p...
Jan 08, 2013
Over the past 30 years, many multidrug-resistant organisms have emerged across healthcare settings in the United States. At the same time, there has been a dramatic drop in the development and approva...
Jan 08, 2013
Acute kidney injury appears to be strongly associated with survival in patients undergoing open surgery for aortic dissection, according to a study from Taiwan. Age above 70, cardiogenic shock, preope...
Jan 08, 2013
When compared with CABG alone, CABG plus mitral annuloplasty in patients with moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation appears to have multiple benefits, according to findings from a small study. When c...
Jan 07, 2013
Patients aged 50 or younger undergoing esophagectomy for cancer appear to have shorter ICU stays, fewer complications, and lower overall treatment costs than older patients. A Seattle-based investigat...
Jan 07, 2013
Researchers in Norway found that patients with low-grade gliomas appear to have better overall survival rates when they receive treatment at centers favoring early surgical resection when compared wit...
Jan 07, 2013
Advances in medicine have enabled clinicians to use the radial and even ulnar arteries as alternative vascular access sites for PCI. Small studies have shown that transradial PCI is associated with lo...
Jan 04, 2013
Data from general acute care hospitals in California suggest that patient demographics and health status appear to be the most important predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients with severe sep...
Jan 04, 2013
New research is being presented at ISET 2013, the 25th Annual International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy from January 19-23 in Miami Beach. Meeting Highlights • Radioactive Beads...